Paperwork Options
Use our standard forms or upgrade to custom
3.25″ Default Option

8.5″ × 11″ Option
More traditional
8.5″ × 11″ Custom
Branding opportunity

Ideal for e-commerce orders
Uses up to 3/4 less paper
Thermal printed
Included at no cost with your fulfillment rate
You can customize:
Return Name/Address
Message at the bottom
Show prices (receipt)
No prices shown (packing slip)
Included at no charge
Ideal for wholesale / commercial orders
8.5" x 11" standard USA paper size
Laser printed
You can customize:
Return Name/Address
Returns information
Show prices (receipt)
No prices shown (packing slip)
Ideal for branding your business
8.5" x 11" standard USA paper size
Full-color option
You can customize:
Just about everything
Send us a .PDF, .DOCX, or .AI file
Show prices (receipt)
No prices shown (packing slip)
Common Q&A

Q: Can I ship without paperwork?
A: Yes, you can opt out of having any paperwork. However, if paperwork is required for an international order, it will be included even if you opt out.

Q: Who designs the custom paperwork?
A: You are responsible for your design. You can hire a designer or search the internet for templates made by a graphics designer.

Q: Can I use different types of paperwork for different types of orders?
A: Yes! You can have, for example, a 3.25" thermal receipt for your web orders and an 8.5" x 11" packing slip for your wholesale orders.

Q: What's the difference between a packing slip and receipt?
A: A packing slip shows no pricing. This is traditionally used when shipping wholesale type orders. A receipt shows what the customer paid for the merchandise.

Q: Can I make revisions to the custom paperwork?
A: You can make changes to your design; however, revisions are billed at our current IT rate

Q: Can I use pre-printed forms and your system just fill in the information?
A: Yes — you can use pre-printed 8.5" x 11" custom forms. You can also use peel-and-stick forms to include a return label on the receipt. If you have any special requirements, we can typically make it work.