Shipvine e-commerce integration
Online retail and e-commerce are an industry that is ever expanding. As your business grows, it may begin to utilize multiple revenue sources and outlets. This growth generally requires system software like Stitch Labs to manage and track your business. That is why Shipvine has allowed seamless integration between our logistics network and Stitch Labs, so you can easily access and manage your product.
Shipvine’s sync software periodically pushes and pulls data to and from Stitch Labs, which means that your customer orders are automatically submitted to us for processing, and package and tracking information is automatically returned once the orders are shipped the same day.
If you require certain packaging or shipment protocols, Shipvine is more than happy to comply. We offer a number of custom packaging options, and can ship via all major mail carriers, including USPS, FedEx, UPS, and DHL. If needed, you can also take advantage of a proprietary rate-shopping tool to find the best method.
Stitch Labs is a versatile and comprehensive software that Shipvine is fully prepared to integrate with in order to fill out your supply-chain.

Add Shipvine to your fulfillment system:

Step #1 Send us your products
Ship your products to us via any method you choose or ask us to arrange to have it shipped
As soon as your products arrive we’ll scan and store them in our warehouse
Products are ready to ship as soon as they are scanned

Step #2 Send us your orders
Install a pre-made plug-in for your current e-commerce platform to send orders automatically.
Enter orders manually via our web site - perfect for low volume shippers
Have your web developer custom design your software to use our web based API

Step #3 We'll ship your products
Orders are packaged and shipped according to your specifications
Once the order ships, tracking information is available instantly on your online account or via the Shipvine API
Keep up-to-date with your business using our powerful reports